2月24日,印度股市金属板块普跌,NATIONAL ALUMINIUM跌近3%,印度钢铁管理局(STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA)、NMDC跌超2%,韦丹塔(VEDANTA)跌超1%。
French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot said Monday that the European Union would retaliate if the United States imposes ...
此前,特朗普的高级贸易顾问Peter Navarro曾指责澳洲“扼杀”美国铝市场,这让 总理艾博年在与特朗普通话后,能否获得关税豁免变得不确定。 Tomago Aluminium 控股 母公司的主要股 东Rio Tinto董事Jennifer ...
The Australian government will continue to make its case for a tariff exemption to the United States, despite a top US official saying Australia's aluminium imports are killing the US market. Source: ...