以我们今天的主角英特尔Arc A750为例,OC超频版也不过1649元。讲道理,还要什么自行车。 光有价格是不够的,只有性能充足才能对得起对性价比的 ...
正所谓一年之计在于春,在经历了春节以后,许多朋友都会考虑升级或者装一台新机来提高自己的工作效率或者游戏体验 ...
[Editors' Note: We updated this story on Feb. 2 with some initial testing on our Arc A750 sample on the new driver; details at the end of piece.] Intel’s new graphics cards have been held back ...
Just as we saw Intel release Arc A770, Arc A750, and Arc A380 GPUs during the last round, we could see Arc B770, Arc B750, and Arc B380 GPUs based on Battlemage. The time is right to strike.