你知道吗,橘子洲的梅花开了。在长沙赏梅,赏的不仅是梅林芳菲,更是一份人间气韵。长沙市岳麓山、橘子洲、洋湖湿地公园、省植物园等地的梅花陆续绽放,为星城添上了一抹诗意春色。市民和游客可以趁着花期正好,错峰出游,在这座城市的梅花园里邂逅最美的初春。初春时节 ...
(来源:新湖南视频:曹妍雍) According to the data released by the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Statistics, in 2024, Changsha realized a gross regional product of 1526.878 billion ...
Changsha is situated in the east of Hunan Province and on the lower reaches of Xiang River. As the provincial seat, it is the political, economic, cultural and educational center, as well as the ...
Por primera vez, un equipo de bomberos y rescate de Changsha, en la provincia china central de Hunan, cuenta con la ayuda de un robot cuadrúpedo de fabricación nacional, un logro que refleja el salto ...