It allows him to experience color that way. Here's another look at Harbisson's antennas In 2010, Harbisson cofounded the Cyborg Foundation that supports other people who either need or want a tech ...
"There's no way of removing it." As co-founder of the Cyborg Foundation and one of several known cyborgs on this planet, Neil expects humans to be more open to the idea of implanting technology ...
In 2010, Neil co-founded the Cyborg Foundation. Moon has an implant which allows her to sense seismic activity and feel earthquakes happening in real-time all around the world. She then translates ...
"There's no way of removing it." As co-founder of the Cyborg Foundation and one of several known cyborgs on this planet, Neil expects humans to be more open to the idea of implanting technology ...
Neil Harbisson and Moon Rebus run The Cyborg Foundation in Barcelona, which welcomes like-minded body hackers from around the world. Their goal is not just to use or wear technology, but to re ...
Harbisson became the face of this cyborg movement in 2013, when the film "Cyborg Foundation" won a $100,000 grand prize from the GE/Focus Forward Filmmaker Competition. Amal Graafstra has ...