Then came the discovery by the Geological Survey of the cone-sheet and ring-dyke complexes, and now in a part of East Greenland very difficult of access Mr. L. R. Wager has had the good fortune to ...
The Americans were not alone. On the desolate East Greenland coast, Nazi meteorologists radioed coded weather reports to Germany, critical information for accurate battlefield forecasts because ...
Greenland’s Ice Sheet is cracking open at the seams, literally falling apart at speeds indicative of the brutal and accelerating impact of global climate change. In just five years, 930 million cubic ...
An international team of researchers has shown that countless tiny ice quakes take place in one of Greenland's mightiest ice streams. This finding will allow the flowing of the ice sheet and ...
Trump’s interest in acquiring Greenland is “serious, and potentially very dangerous.” Danger in international politics is often a matter of perception, or at least, starts out as one. Events in the ...