[Glen] is tackling this with a port of Pac Man to the Radio Shack Colour Computer 3. The key to any good arcade port is authenticity – the game should feel as identical to the real thing as ...
As one of the more iconic bugs in gaming history, reaching level 256 in the Pac-Man arcade game would cause half of the screen to be rendered in a jumbled mess. The left of the screen would appear ...
Press start to go to the item screen ... have Pac-Man climb back down and look at the new path on the right side of the area. A hang glider leading to a more challenging mini-game awaits.
The first Pac-Man machine was placed in a cinema in the trendy Tokyo district of Shibuya. It would go on to become the most successful arcade game of all time. The hero – shaped like a mouth ope ...
Recently, a friend of ours got married who is a Ms. Pac-Man fanatic. His best man set out to fulfill the groom’s dream of owning a Ms. Pac-Man cocktail cabinet. The problem is that the unit he ...