This course provides theoretical and axiomatic foundations of probability and mathematical statistics. In particular, the following topics will be covered: 1. Measure spaces; Caratheodory extension ...
The availability as an outside option requires a demonstration of sufficient background in mathematics and statistics and is at the discretion of the instructor. This course provides theoretical and ...
Statistics is the science of analyzing data; the use of statistics is ubiquitous in science, engineering, medicine and epidemiology, marketing, and many other application areas. Probability theory ...
Addresses the topics of probability, random variables, discrete and continuous densities, expectation and variance, special distributions (binomial, Poisson, normal, etc.), moment generating functions ...
Research of the probability and statistics group includes particle systems, theoretical statistics, non-conventional random walks, random matrix theory, and random polynomials. Research interests also ...
The conference aims to bring together the leading figures and early-career researchers in the most active fields of modern Probability and Mathematical Physics. A joint effort of the organizers from ...
It is especially appropriate for students with an undergraduate science or engineering major who have not had a rigorous calculus-based probability and statistics course. The course covers the topics ...
Studies axioms, counting formulas, conditional probability, independence, random variables, continuous and discrete distribution, expectation, joint distributions, moment generating functions, law of ...
The mathematics behind artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) rely on linear algebra, calculus, probability, ...
This quality of incredibility is particularly true of paradoxes in probability—a field of mathematics especially rich in paradoxes. Consider the paradox of birthdays. What would you estimate to ...