Simons, in particular, advocated the idea that a special type of nonrandom mixing of the membrane lipids is involved in the sorting process—namely, that lipid domains in the plane of the ...
This important study characterizes the mechanics and stability of bolalipids from archaeal membranes using molecular dynamics simulations. A mesoscale model of bolalipids is presented and evaluated ...
These include some obvious mechanical activities such as endocytosis, cell motility and membrane resealing, but also others, such as replication and transcription. Taking the motor proteins as an ...
This work presents a membrane-targeted azobenzene (MT) as light-responsive tool for cell stimulation. MT photoisomerization ...
AIST researchers, in collaboration with JAMSTEC, Hokkaido University and Tohoku University, have succeeded in cultivating an ...
Current neuroscience research on plasma membranes mainly focuses on proteins functionality, stability and compartmentalization and rarely take into account the impact of the lipidic environment on ...
This work shows that, depending on conditions, small membrane regions can stabilize various lipids to trigger specific cellular responses. These discoveries, published in the journal Nature ...
The body uses lipids as an energy store, as insulation and to make cell membranes. My name's Raj. I make and sell ice-cream in my ice-cream parlours. In order to make ice-cream, you need three ...
The body uses lipids as an energy store, as insulation and to make cell membranes. My name's Raj. I make and sell ice-cream in my ice-cream parlours. In order to make ice-cream, you need three ...
To present the pioneering concept, Peer and his team encoded the anti-inflammatory protein interleukin-10 into mRNA and ...
This work shows that, depending on conditions, small membrane regions can stabilize various lipids to trigger specific ...
More broadly the lab studies the mechanisms how cells regulate the abundance of lipids, how they store lipids to buffer fluctuation in their availability, and how these processes function in membrane ...