Carnegie Mellon University's Professor Curtis Meyer and his research colleagues explore an uncharted world inside protons and ...
The study of mesons in strong magnetic fields and nuclear matter is a fascinating area of research in theoretical physics, particularly in the context of heavy-ion collisions and the behavior of ...
A recent theory for the origin of dark matter involves a dark (or hidden) sector in which an analogue to the strong force exists, which results in the creation of dark baryons and dark mesons. In this ...
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – Local Irish band, The Fighting Jamesons, put their own twist on traditional Irish music. They’ll be ...
With the three-nucleon force, there are three players, or nucleons, and balls, or mesons, are passed between them. Fukuoka, Japan – Researchers from Kyushu University, Japan have revealed how a ...
Independently of our work, essentially the same method has been proposed by Stückelberg (Phys. Rev., 54, 889; 1938), to whom we are very thankful for the kind communication of his manuscript.
Jamesons totalhealth Pharmacy in Bailieborough has changed hands, however new Supervising Pharmacist Joy Jameson is keen to let customers know that it’s business as usual at the pharmacy.
On this Friday, Feb. 21, it’s time to say Happy 100th Birthday to retired Navy veteran Felix Maurizio, who joined the Navy during World War II when he was 18-years ...