I’m pleased to pass along that the University of San Diego’s Center for the Study of Constitutional Originalism has established The Originalism Blog. According to law professor and Center ...
An increasingly influential group of conservative scholars has some drastic ideas about the president’s power.
Originalism is the view that the meaning of a constitutional provision is fixed when it is adopted and can be changed only by constitutional amendment. Many of the separate opinions in the case ...
The ascent of originalism as a method of constitutional interpretation, both in law schools and federal courts, over the past few decades has been impressive. It of course predominates on the ...
Some rejected originalism in principle, as undemocratic (though it is clear that the Constitution was built upon republican rather than democratic principles), unfairly binding the present to the ...
History professor Jonathan Gienapp criticized constitutional originalism for its insufficient understanding of the period in which the Constitution was written at his Tuesday talk, titled ...
In a decision that provoked a sigh of relief in most of the country, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 last week that a 30-year-old federal law barring accused domestic abusers from having guns while ...