Compounds called nickelates can conduct electricity without resistance well above absolute zero and at ambient pressure.
When superconductors were discovered in 1911, they astounded researchers with their ability to conduct electricity with no ...
Initial studies in 2019 revealed superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelate films -- though at temperatures much lower ...
A team of engineers and physicists at Southern University of Science and Technology, in China, has created a nickel-based ...
Exotic superconducting states could exist in a wider range of materials than previously thought, according to a theoretical ...
Researchers discover superconducting nickelates working at 45K under ambient pressure, advancing high-temperature ...
SLAC and Stanford achieve ambient-temperature superconductivity in nickelates without high pressure, boosting efficiency.
New research, working toward ambient-pressure high-temperature superconductivity, brings us one step closer to finding superconductors that work in everyday conditions -- and potentially unlocking a ...
SHENZHEN -- A joint research team from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) and other Chinese institutions has developed a new type of high-temperature superconductors at ...
In particular, they are using qubits — the quantum equivalent of bits in conventional computers — based on superconductors to make quantum computers. Together, they are using a multi-pronged ...
Microsoft on Wednesday unveiled a new chip that it said showed quantum computing is "years, not decades" away, joining Google ...
Traditional quantum computing needs intricate and cumbersome procedures to control each and every qubit. However, with ...