Despite being one of Hollywood's biggest stars for decades, Jack Nicholson faced some pushback from the studio on what turned out to be a hit movie.
Happy that test audiences dug The Bucket List’s dying-guys comedy, Nicholson would still like to get an “old-age” Oscar Los Angeles—Jack Nicholson has always done his homework. He is known ...
However, Freeman admits that he had little interest in working on a film called The Bucket List when he first ... and I said 'Jack Nicholson.' He said, 'Jack? All right! Let's try it.'" ...
In the movie Bucket List (2007), Jack Nicholson gives us an unforgettable moment when he gets behind the wheel of a powerful ...
Seen in Rare Photo While Sharing a Holiday Hug with Daughter Lorraine Morgan Freeman Was Wowed to Be Working with Fellow Acting Legend Jack Nicholson on 2007's The Bucket List Mary Steenburgen ...