Worthen said nonprofits weathered the brief federal order freezing funds and are continuing to watch the Congressional ...
and with all your mind.” On Wednesday, Okediji, a renowned scholar in intellectual property law, joined with former Brigham Young University president Kevin Worthen to discuss the role of faith ...
They will always be her pride and joy. Gail was predeceased by her loving parents William W. Worthen and Rae M. Worthen. She would often reminisce about her childhood years at the family home in ...
Theo Worthen was born with congenital heart disease. By the age of seven, he'd already had four open heart surgeries.
Your call or email may go to a representative. Hello - My name is Dr. Mark Worthen, a North Carolina licensed healthcare provider psychologist, with 30 years of postdoctoral experience.
Concerns have been raised about how Health Canada implemented its two-month national consultation on advanced requests for euthanasia that concluded Feb. 14.