They’re reporting on new research published in the journal Current Biology, wherein physics simulations were conducted, based on a reconstructed Lucy, to determine the form and speed at which ...
In 2016, an autopsy indicated that the female Australopithecus afarensis, whose partial remains were found in Ethiopia in 1974 and is considered the most complete hominin fossil found to date ...
Given its dating and location, most researchers agree that the footprints were almost certainly left by Australopithecus afarensis, the same species as the famous skeleton known as “Lucy.” ...
To get a picture of how Lucy's species, Australopithecus afarensis, moved, scientists compare fossils to the bones of modern humans, as well as to the anatomy of "knuckle-walking" primates like ...
Scans of eight fossilized adult and infant Australopithecus afarensis skulls reveal a prolonged period of brain growth during development that may have set the stage for extended childhood learning in ...
This species includes "Lucy," the 3.2 million year old fossil found by Donald Johanson. A. afarensis' small braincases and relatively large teeth and chewing muscles are similar to those of ...
A fossilised skeleton, Australopithecus afarensis, best known by her nickname 'Lucy', was unearthed by researchers 50 years ago this month in the Afar region of Ethiopia. New research provides the ...
The hyperrealistic artistic reconstruction of the female Austrolopithecus afarensis (Lucy), based on finds from Hadar, Ethiopia, in the National Museum of Prague in Prague, is pictured.( ...