A care home for young people with complex needs "washed its hands" of residents when it closed on New Year's Eve, a parent claims. Residents of Bobbins, in Swindon, were informed in December that it ...
Talented workers showcase their woodworking expertise as they craft wooden bobbins with remarkable skill. Each step in the process highlights their precision and dedication, turning raw wood into ...
The traditional lace can only be made with Honiton lace bobbins which have a pointed end. These bobbins are likely to have been made in Devon around 1980. Doreen had them painted in the ...
Rip ‘N’ Sew’s recent game night was fast paced because team members each had only a “Minute to Win It.” Nearly 40 members of ...
The trick behind braiding is the mesmerizing path the six bobbins need to weave around each other while maintaining the correct tension on the strands. To achieve this, they slide along a path in ...