Carnegie Mellon University's Professor Curtis Meyer and his research colleagues explore an uncharted world inside protons and ...
The study of mesons in strong magnetic fields and nuclear matter is a fascinating area of research in theoretical physics, particularly in the context of heavy-ion collisions and the behavior of ...
Independently of our work, essentially the same method has been proposed by Stückelberg (Phys. Rev., 54, 889; 1938), to whom we are very thankful for the kind communication of his manuscript.
A recent theory for the origin of dark matter involves a dark (or hidden) sector in which an analogue to the strong force exists, which results in the creation of dark baryons and dark mesons. In this ...
With the three-nucleon force, there are three players, or nucleons, and balls, or mesons, are passed between them. Fukuoka, Japan – Researchers from Kyushu University, Japan have revealed how a ...
The ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has released a new high-precision measurement of the lifetime of the electrically neutral beauty (B 0) meson—a hadron composed of a ...