The Executive Board’s response to the recommendation to suspend ties with Israeli partner universities is infuriating,' ...
Faculty TSHD (Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences) is struggling with a deficit of 3.8 million euros now that the government is stopping funding for starter and incentive grants. Because ...
ChatGPT is a wildly popular AI program with millions of users worldwide. The program is increasingly being used by job seekers to write cover letters. But what do recruiters think about it? Former ...
A grand ballroom in Vienna, full of splendor, with people dancing the waltz. No, this isn’t a scene from a Sissi movie, but a Saturday night in the life of Senna van Litsenburg, a bachelor’s student ...
Student rowing association Vidar has instituted a period of mourning after the death of law student Fleur Arends (21). She died after a serious fall while skiing. She was on a ski trip to Val Thorens, ...
With a weekly sit-in on campus, a group of lecturers aims to urge the Executive Board to suspend collaborations between the university and ‘complicit Israeli universities.’ The protest takes place ...
Law student Eveline Antonioli was abused by her football coach. During the trial against him, she exercised her right to speak: ‘He avoided my gaze. In a way, that felt good. As if I finally had power ...
Het kabinet gaat alle Engelstalige bacheloropleidingen aan een taaltoets onderwerpen: kunnen ze niet in het Nederlands? Een ...
Nog voordat het politiek is afgehamerd, gaat het ministerie van Onderwijs alvast enkele tientallen (oud-)studenten geld ...
De toga is niet weg te denken uit het academische leven. Bij wetenschappelijke promoties en andere plechtigheden trekken ...
Elke maand vraagt Univers aan een wetenschapper wat hij of zij zou onderzoeken wanneer alles mogelijk is. Voldoende geld, ...