You can consult the timetable of lectures and the occupancy of the university's teaching rooms at
Possono partecipare al programma Ulisse le studentesse e gli studenti dei corsi di laurea, laurea magistrale a ciclo unico, laurea magistrale e dottorato di ricerca regolarmente iscritte/i nell’a.a.
L’Ateneo accoglie le aspiranti matricole per dare informazioni sull’offerta formativa, la Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori, i molteplici servizi offerti dall’Ateneo e le iniziative di orientamento ...
The scientific activity of the Department is undertaken in collaboration with many Italian and international institutions. Research is concentrated on diverse and complementary aspects of cellular and ...
L’Università di Padova si presenta alle future matricole con Scegli con noi, l'evento che offre ai giovani l'occasione per conoscere il contesto della formazione universitaria e i corsi di studio ...
Il progetto Unist-Health, nato nell’ambito dell’iniziativa ministeriale Pro-Ben, prevede una serie di azioni mirate al monitoraggio e al miglioramento del benessere psicologico delle studentesse e ...
The Department brings together scholars from multiple fields with the aim of developing interdisciplinary analyses of human experience within social and cultural contexts. Key research topics include ...
The University of Padua, in view of promoting internationalisation, supports the organisation of International Winter Schools and intensive learning courses, other than promoting similar opportunities ...
A remarkable part of the University's artistic and cultural heritage can be visited by the public. Palaces, museums and gardens are opened to tell the story of the university together with the city..
The course is divided into two curricula, Biotechnologies for Food (in Italian) and Biotechnologies for Food Science (in English). The course prepares students to carry out complex coordination and ...
Every year we organize an intensive training course for international post-doctoral researchers who wish to apply for the Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships Call and select ...
A course held entirely in English that offers students a multicultural and multilinguistic dimension due to its numerous international experiences while providing an advanced level of training in ...