(香港24日讯)《中年好声音3》选出20强,大马共有3位选手张与辰、王郑浚仁和何平秋入列。张与辰在昨晚跳出框架演绎摇滚风《开门见山》,以97分拿下本回MVP(最有价值选手),却因他的两位队员(郭伟伦、刘传民)被淘汰,让他自责未做好队长责任,不禁落下男 ...
(芙蓉23日讯)两只猫咪被拍到在一处住家庭院,被铁链锁着,看起来又渴又饿,瞬间引发全网热议,质问屋主“为什么要这么做?”根据女子“@pendosa…com ...
The Grump's everyday life rolls on as usual. However, he manages to crash his beloved Ford Escort. A new, modern car is not on the cards and the nearest Escort with the right model year is in Germany, ...
After workaholic Diego learns that he might not be the father of young Benito, the duo set out on an emotional quest to find the boy's biological dad.