Recent studies reveal that the human appendix plays roles in gut microbiota restoration and immunity, contrary to its previous classification as vestigial. The appendix harbors beneficial bacteria ...
Studies were excluded if they only reported surgical cases, had <20 participants, reported atypical appendiceal pathology (eg, carcinoid, appendiceal mass) or if the proportion of participants outside ...
Objective Despite recent advances in surgical and interventional techniques, knowledge on the management of carcinoid heart disease (CHD) remains limited. In a cohort of patients with liver metastases ...
Background Atypical carcinoids (AC) of the lung are rare intermediate-grade neuroendocrine neoplasms. Prognostic factors for these tumours are undefined. Methods Our cooperative group retrieved data ...
Nine months later, the metastasis was no longer detectable. She is still alive eight years after diagnosis, without recurrent disease. This represents the only reported case of foregut carcinoid with ...
Objective: Immune infiltration plays an important role in tumor development and progression and shows promising prognostic value in numerous tumors. In this study, we aimed to identify the role of ...
Mechanisms of the spread of Krukenberg tumor proposed are retrograde lymphatic dissemination involved in gastric cancer metastases, hematogenous spread most frequent in colorectal cancer, and ...