The human body today has many replaceable parts, ranging from artificial hearts to myoelectric feet. What makes this possible ...
It is specifically designed for cautery intensive cases, oncology procedures, Leep/Letz and all other open procedures, the MEGA VAC Smoke Evacuation System includes: ...
Others are small devices used ubiquitously in hospitals, such as anesthesia instruments, cautery pencils, needles and syringes, pulse oximeters and blood pressure cuffs. Disruption in the availability ...
Hiruni Fernando was very much in the spotlight, in the local scene, especially when she formed an all-girls group, called ...
Usvatte-aratchi Two thoughtful short essays on schools and education appeared in The Island newspaper on January 20th and 21st. The first was written by Lokubandara Tillakaratne, and the second by ...
The extension of the myotomy onto the gastric wall (clearly the most critical and challenging part of the operation) proved difficult because of poor exposure, with the consequent risk of a short ...
Correspondence to Dr John Harvey, North Bristol Lung Centre, Southmead Hospital, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK; john.harvey{at} Secondary pneumothorax (SSP) is associated with underlying lung disease ...
Haemorrhage was controlled during surgery by temporarily raising the intraocular pressure to enable cautery of all haemorrhagic points. On completion of tumour removal, endolaser photocoagulation was ...