1. The initial formation of the root hair is indicated by a general swelling of the outer wall of the epidermal cell. 2. The swelling is produced if the physical resistance of the wall is overbalanced ...
Recently, we reported studies of cell fate in murine tail epidermis that revealed a mechanism of tissue homeostasis that is independent of stem cells. ...if the bulge does not support ...
The human brain's convolutions, for example, are produced by a process of differential growth: the cortex forms folds ... They also observed that epidermal cells proliferate faster than dermal ...
According to the classical understanding of plant gas exchange, the uncontrolled loss of water from plant aerial organs is restricted by epidermis that is covered ... composition of cuticle and fast ...
The center of a tree or shrub stem (from roots to trunk, branches, and twigs) is woody, composed of xylem cells that conduct water from the roots to the upper parts of the tree. That woody section is ...
Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis Medicine Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology have identified specific neuronal cells that are essential to our understanding of other people. Runnan ...