Nature Research Intelligence Topics enable transformational understanding and discovery in research by categorising any document into meaningful, accessible topics. Read this blog to understand ...
Natural ways to boost metabolism can be fun and easy. Simple things like eating more protein, high-intensity interval training, lifting weights, avoiding skipping meals, drinking the right things, ...
1. Low serum B12 levels can be measured with considerable precision by microbiological assay with the Euglena gracilis assay and B12 deficiency can be recognised with a high level of consistency ...
Cancer metabolism refers to the alterations in cellular metabolism pathways that are evident in cancer cells compared with most normal tissue cells. Metabolic alterations in cancer cells are ...
This valuable work presents how PRDM16 plays a critical role during colloid plexus development, through regulating BMP signaling. Solid evidence supports the context-dependent gene regulatory ...
Researchers are able to test in parallel the effects of over 1500 active substances on cell metabolism. Their analysis also led to the discovery of previously unknown mechanisms for known medications.
Objective The extent to which tryptophan (Trp) metabolism alterations explain or influence the outcome of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) is still unclear. However, several Trp metabolism ...
Metabolism often flies under the radar when designing a fat loss transformation program. A balanced 30-minute training session can boost your metabolism for up to 14 hours, which can be a game-changer ...
This important study explores the conserved role of IgM in both systemic and mucosal antiviral immunity in teleosts, challenging established views on the differential roles of IgT and IgM. The ...
Thyroid hormones help regulate the body's metabolic rate, which is a measure of how efficient it is at using energy. When the thyroid isn’t producing enough of certain hormones, metabolism slows down; ...
Here, we review the immunological functions of B vitamins and their metabolism by intestinal bacteria with respect to the control of host immunity. The gut is continuously exposed both to toxic (e.g., ...
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Freiburg, Freiburg 79104, Germany ...