However, the emergence of glyphosate-resistant weeds has driven the need for enhanced herbicide resistance in crops. In this study, we engineered two mutant variants of the tobacco EPSPS gene through ...
Synchrony of postsynaptic EPSPs and APs triggers LTP induction at excitatory to excitatory cell (E → E) synapses (Markram et al., 1997; Feldman, 2000). LTP, in turn, is thought to underlie the ...
(I) Average imbalance (top) and instantaneous balance (bottom) balance, as a function of the ratio of mean I-I to E-I efficacy. Next, we investigated the impact of the strength of E and I synaptic ...
If you could save lives by producing vaccines in transgenic bananas, would you? In the debate over large-scale commercialization and use of GMOs, where should we draw the line? Vaccines Tobacco ...
Origin Agritech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SEED) (the "Company" or "Origin"), a leading Chinese agricultural technology company, today announced financial results for the year ended September 30, 2024.
We quantified non-linear dendritic summation using two-photon glutamate uncaging at multiple locations within a small dendritic fragment, by comparing the arithmetic sum of the uncaging-evoked EPSPs ...
Water hyacinth, a silent ecological crisis in India’s waterbodiesHave you ever noticed a green layer of dense plants on ...
Business Accomplishments and Highlights for the Year Ended September 30, 2024: GMO Development & Commercialization: In May ...
至2025年,转基因作物的产业化将呈现“中国提速、全球深化”的特点。中国在政策驱动下或成为全球第二大转基因种植国,而全球市场将通过技术创新和区域扩张维持5%-7%的年均增长率。核心受益领域集中在种业、规模化农业和下游加工业,但需平衡技术推广与生态安全 ...
当压力敏感橡胶(感觉受体)被连续敲击五次时,我们获得了五个宽度为 50 毫秒的连续 EPSP。如图 4(E 和 H)所示,在 U 和 H 模式下,轻拍像素的 EPSPs 分别为 661 至 1163 μV 和 756 至 1138 μV。在没有敲击的情况下,EPSPs 几乎为 0 μV。如图 4 在图像查看器中打开 ...