ABC News medical correspondent Dr. Darien Sutton explains what a febrile seizure is and when. You should go to the hospital.
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Max Rubner-Institut, Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food, Hermann-Weigmann, Kiel, Germany This study aimed to capture predominant plasmids ...
Varicella, known as chickenpox, is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), with an estimated 84 million cases annually. It primarily affects children, for most of whom it is a self-limiting ...
Among them, recombinant viral vector vaccine is a new type of vaccine that uses live virus as a carrier to carry and express antigenic genes of other pathogens. The exogenous genes integrated into the ...
A typical presentation of familial HLH is a sepsislike condition associated with cytopenias and hepatosplenomegaly in a child, often an infant, with a febrile illness. 13,17 Thrombocytopenia ...
Condensed Matter Theory Group, Materials Theory Division, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, Uppsala 75120, Sweden ...
Although the majority of infected individuals will exhibit a self-limited acute febrile illness or remain asymptomatic, influenza can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Each year ...