Additionally, Apple has unsigned iOS 18.4 beta 1 for a number of iOS devices, including most of the iPhone 12 lineup, a few ...
Google, Instagram, Facebook and weather apps can track your location and use that data to serve you ads; here's what you can ...
Pokemon GO released three new codes, each leading to a timed research and an encounter with Incarnate forms of Tornadus, ...
(加影22日讯)承认独中统考一直是华社深切关注的课题,也是华社长期以来翘首以盼的事项,但是至今都没达成,政治学者潘永强博士认为,要统考文凭获得承认,应该游说取得马来政党的支持,如伊斯兰党、土团党、部分公正党和巫统的领袖,因为只有说服马来社会才能有效推 ...