In muscle cells, the ER and the plasma membrane—the outer membrane of the cell ... This movie shows 3D renderings of these structures in high-resolution 3D electron microscopy images of fruit fly ...
Distributor continues to put muscle behind data, analytics and artificial intelligence with latest senior appointment.
New research reveals that brain cells use a muscle-like signaling mechanism to relay information over long distances.
They hope these same drugs can restore waste disposal in the brains of older humans and help protect against brain diseases.
It also reminds us that there’s sometimes some truth to be found in our old sayings, as Lippincott-Schwartz pointed out: “Einstein said that when he uses his brain, it is like he is using a muscle, ...
New research shows that a network of subcellular structures similar to those responsible for propagating molecular signals that make muscles contract are also responsible for transmitting signals in ...
Bruker Corporation announced the launch of the LUMOS™ II ILIM , a quantum cascade laser (QCL) based infrared imaging microscope. The new LUMOS II ILIM redefines performance standards ...
Encourage children to love science by showing them the world in miniature with some of the best microscopes for kids — here are our favorite models. The best microscopes for kids allow children ...
Gold nanoparticles help lose fat more effectively than a common weight-loss drug, improving body fat levels and organ health ...