The aim of the Pre – College Preparatory Program is to enrich students’ core competencies in English and Math in order that they become academically fit to embark on an academic journey at an American ...
The syllabus for Pre-Algebra (Math 1090), one of the courses within the Developmental Mathematics Program in the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University, offers information to help ...
Pre-algebra (Math 1090) enhances students’ basic math skills through the study of key skill strands that are explored across different types of numbers, including whole numbers, fractions, signed ...
We welcome high school students interested in attending Miami University to explore on-campus and virtual pre-college programs ... engineering, and math for underrepresented students. Students who ...
However, if you have questions about enrollment, purchasing materials, and prerequisite skills, please check with your advisor or instructor. Math 115 - Precalculus, is an in-depth study of functions.
In addition, this course prepares students for Math 241 Analytic Geometry and Calculus A by providing instruction on the skills and concepts needed for success in Math 241 and also provides a course ...
As a result, students become much more confident in their ability to be successful at math. In fall semester 2011, 77 percent of UH-MC students were enrolled in pre-college math courses that did ...