现华东政法大学(长宁校区)也是上海第一所大学——圣约翰大学的所在地。2022年,百年华政校园融入苏州河滨河公共空间,并向公众开放。在这条长达900米的水岸线上,从思孟园出发,游客们可以饱览27座百年建筑以及十处观光景点。此外,这里还有苏州河游船码头, ...
2月22日,上海市竞技体育训练管理中心射击射箭运动中心迎来2025年全国射击冠军赛(手枪项目)的第三个比赛日。男子10米气手枪个人和团体资格赛、决赛上演强强对抗,现场氛围热烈,精彩不断。当天下午,国际射联主席卢西亚诺·罗西及其夫人劳拉·乔凡娜·罗西, ...
Caoyang New Village曹杨新村199 Huaxi Rd, Putuo District/ 普陀区花溪路199号Caoyang New Village, China's first housing project for factory ...
Shanghai to offer overseas visitors a special tour package during the city's summer shopping campaign. Liu Min, Shanghai ...
1 天
看看新闻Knews on MSNShanghai Then and Now: 上海当代艺术博物馆PSAPower Station of Art 当代艺术博物馆678 Miaojiang Rd., Huangpu District / 黄浦区苗江路678号The Power Station of Art, originally the site of ...
The Shanghai International Film Festival held an overseas promotion event in the German capital Berlin on February 17. The ...
Based on the 1950 American black comedy film noir of the same name, which was written and directed by Billy Wilder, Andrew ...
Driven by rapid technological advancements and strong policy support, China's low-altitude economy is experiencing unprecedented growth and gaining significant momentum. Taking Shanghai as an example, ...
2025年,中国机械行业正处于转型升级的关键时期。在经历了劳动力驱动、投资驱动和资源驱动阶段后,机械行业已迈入科技驱动的新阶段。随着全球经济不平衡发展,许多国家和地区的基础设施建设仍处于高峰期,这为中国具备竞争优势的装备制造行业提供了装备全球的宝贵机 ...
In Changning, Shanghai, a puppy wandered onto the viaduct. A kind - hearted police officer gently picked it up, carrying it to safety. So heartwarming! 🐕💕 (Source: People’s Daily)#DogRescue#PoliceKi ...
A China está intensificando o trabalho em sua função de presidência rotativa da Organização de Cooperação de Shanghai (OCS) e está comprometida em sediar uma cúpula com amizade, solidariedade e result ...
A montadora alemã BMW informou na sexta-feira que espera começar a produzir em massa suas baterias de veículos elétricos (VE) de sexta geração, que usam grandes células cilíndricas, na China, em 2026.