Promising “unmatched transparency and efficient RDS integration,” WorldCast will use the spring NAB Show to introduce Version 2 of APTmpX.
That’s according to John Paleski, President of Subcarrier Communications, who continues citing concerns of the next generation and what will need to be done to support, physically, these new units.
Abstract: WiFi sensing-based human pose estimation (HPE) has gained significant attention in the academic community due to its advantages over vision-and sensor-based methods, including ...
We investigate the proposed subband structure in offset-quadrature-amplitude-modulation digital subcarrier multiplexing systems. Simulations at 140 GBaud and experiments at 40 GBaud show that this ...
AM, or amplitude modulation, was the earliest way of sending voice over radio waves. That makes sense because it is easy to modulate a signal and easy to demodulate it, as well. A carbon ...