Some constitutional scholars believe that Article V, which sets forth the amendment process, is the key to the Constitution's success. It establishes a process where adding amendments is not too ...
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, enshrined in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, is centered not on hunting or sport shooting but on the natural right of self-defense.
These two sets of patriots comprised the body we ... Second Amendment is an unalienable right, which cannot be taken away; but it has its reasonable limitations designed to protect other people.
The Constitution begins and ends with We the People. Some constitutional scholars believe that Article V, which sets forth the amendment process, is the key to the Constitution's success.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, enshrined in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, is centered not on hunting or sport shooting but on this natural right of self-defense.
As the death toll from gun violence mounts, we are told that because of the Second Amendment nothing can be done to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. That is ...
And how did the Constitution's authors imagine it might change? Today on Throughline's We the People: the Eighth Amendment, the death penalty, and what cruel and unusual really means.
“Despite the clarity with which we described the Second Amendment’s core protection for the right of self-defense,” he wrote in the dissent, “lower courts, including the ones ...
Two people died and four were injured in the ... s ban on adults under 21 accessing handguns violated the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Police in San Antonio, Texas, said seven officers ...
Rahimi empowers the government to limit the gun rights of violent people, but dodges questions ... defining the rights protected by the Second Amendment: the individual nature of the right to ...