U.S. outpatient prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin increased 2- to 10-fold above pre-pandemic rates, ...
检索关键词包括 “Schistosoma mansoni”“World”“Efficacy”“Praziquantel”“Anthelminthic drug” 等,并进行不同组合检索。按照 PRISMA 指南进行文献筛选,先通过阅读标题和摘要去除重复文献,排除与曼氏血吸虫无关及综述类文章,再阅读全文,排除未研究吡喹酮对曼氏 ...
Helminths, including nematodes, cestodes and trematodes, are complex parasitic organisms that infect at least one billion people globally living in extreme poverty. Helminthic infections are ...
Intestinal parasites are an important public health problem and affect mainly underdeveloped and developing countries, where there are poor sanitary and socioeconomic conditions, associated with ...
The term ‘magic bullet’ is a scientific concept proposed by the German Nobel laureate Paul Ehrlich in 1907, describing a medicine that could specifically and efficiently target a disease without ...