The latest episode of Drinks and Mics on Nairametrics TV is one for the books! With Ugodre, Arnold, and Sam at the table, ...
Due to the existence of small targets and large density variations in crowd images, crowd counting is a challenging task. Mainstream methods usually apply convolution neural networks (CNNs) to regress ...
2) Lacking the analysis of the directional characteristics. 3) Inadequate capturing the global dependencies. To address these challenges, a convolution and state space based photovoltaic panel ...
@inproceedings{su2020dgc, title={Dynamic Group Convolution for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks}, author={Su, Zhuo and Fang, Linpu and Kang, Wenxiong and Hu, Dewen and Pietik{\"a}inen, Matti ...
在一项研究中,深圳大学团队提出了一种全新的姿态估计方法GatedUniPose。它将UniRepLKNet和Gated Convolution相结合,并引入了GLACE模块进行嵌入。另外,通过使用DySample上采样来增强head layer的特征映射拼接方法。
机器之心报道编辑:张倩用 AI 提高 AI 的效率,它们就能变得像人类大脑一样高效?我们的大脑只用了 20 瓦的能量就能完成复杂思考,而现代 AI 系统却需要成排的高功率 GPU 和惊人的电力消耗。这种差距如何缩小?日本 AI 初创公司 Sakana ...
Leonardo DiCaprio is teaming with Martin Scorsese for a drama about the criminal underworld in Hawaii that will also star ...
There’s a powerful ingredient in many dishes that is racism; it’s known to chefs everywhere as monosodium glutamate. The ...
There’s a powerful ingredient in many dishes that is racism; it’s known to chefs everywhere as monosodium glutamate. The racist part is when we apply its initials — MSG.
为解决现有结构变异(SVs)检测方法的难题,研究人员开展 SVEA 模型相关研究。结果显示 SVEA 检测复杂 SVs 性能优越,准确率提高约 4%。该研究成果为基因组研究提供有力工具,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。
A new lithography library brings mask optimization operations to GPUs. There are so many challenges in producing modern semiconductor devices that it’s amazing for the industry to pull it off at all.