Europe is bad on free speech — and with no exceptions to speak of. As a matter of fact, other than the United States of ...
In similarly idiosyncratic spirit: To proclaim the end of a proof—offering an alternative to “Q.E.D.,” for the Latin quod erat demonstrandum or “which was to be demonstrated”—there is the Halmos box, ...
这两天我在的公共卫生小圈子里人心惶惶。每一个人好像都在担心自己的工作会不会被砍、自己的科研成果会不会被禁止发表、已经发出去的东西是不是要撤回、自己做的研究算不算DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion - ...
a respected analyst reviews government funding for security-related research and education Essays & reportage Modi’s expatriate army Hamish McDonald 20 December 2023 Western leaders are distancing ...
Quod erat demonstrandum. Monitoring the plug in the drain. So what then would be the primary culprit that could result in such a liquidity drain that could compromise the ability of stock prices ...