Interrupting signals exchanged between tumors and the nervous system could become a critical pillar of cancer care ...
We used volume electron microscopy to perform a 3D analysis of the microanatomical features of synapses in all layers of the medial EC (MEC) from the human brain. Using this technology, 12,974 ...
Objective Dactylitis is a hallmark of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) where flexor tenosynovitis is common. This study explored the microanatomical basis of dactylitis using high-resolution MRI (hrMRI) to ...
However, in the presence of an activation, immune cells recirculate throughout these different microanatomical areas giving rise to a specific distribution. As a result, the trabeculae of the ...
However, to clarify, these analyses decode the cortex-wide functional connectivity patterns of amygdala subregions and not activations within subregions defined by our microanatomical analyses.
HIV invasion through the mucosa of the female lower genital tract contributes the largest number of new HIV infections worldwide. The second leading site of viral invasion is the lower male ...
With the consistent occurrence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, the prevalence of various ocular complications has increased over time. SARS-CoV-2 infection ... Controversy persists in surgical eyelid anatomy despite the routine use of microanatomical examination in modern eyelid research. The aim of our study was to facilitate visualisation of upper ...
The distinct radiographic features of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) help confirm it as a distinct entity from rheumatoid arthritis and highlight some unique non-synovial based disease imaging features.