我的办公室里有四名速记员,我们每个人都被分配去接收几个人的信件。一天,当我被要求重写一封长信时,我开始反抗。我试图向那个人指出,这封信可以不重新打就改正,他反驳说,如果我不重新打,他会找一个愿意这样做的人。我非常愤怒。当我重新打这封信的时候,我突然想 ...
Japanese workers are feeling less optimistic about the economy, with their sentiment declining in January for the first time in three months as rising prices for food and other essentials led to ...
Fun Fact: Arbuckle led the “Give ’em the Axe” cheer at a 1967 football game. The Stanford Daily reported that the crowd went ...