Individuals with early-onset PH achieved lower peak velocities when reaching with the paretic arm compared to controls; however, no differences in reaching distance were found between groups. Relative ...
The leg contralateral to the abducted one showed opposite actions for organic paresis and non-organic paresis: for example, when the paretic leg was abducted, the sound leg stayed fixed in organic ...
For comparison, the time-series coordination of the pelvis-thigh, thigh-shank, and shank-foot among the control, paretic, and nonparetic limbs were analyzed using SPM and continuous relative phase ...
Impaired function of the neural integrator, described as “leakiness”, results in the eyes drifting back to the primary position at an exponentially decreasing rate, followed by a corrective saccade ...
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) continue to expand in their potential for impact. In its most simplistic form, a BCI is a computing device that supplants or augments the input and/or output of the ...
Notwithstanding the substantial progress in acute stroke care over the past 15 years, the focus of stroke medical advances and healthcare resources has been on acute and subacute recovery phases, ...