“新视野号”于 2015 年 7 月近距离飞越冥王星,首次揭开了这颗遥远矮行星的神秘面纱,其高分辨率图像展现了富含氮、一氧化碳和甲烷冰的斯普特尼克平原(Sputnik Planum)。
"The data from the termination shock encounter will be a treasure trove for space physicists worldwide who are eager to ...
Oudolf's Vandalorum design has been three years in the making and will be a new first for the world-renowned designer ...
Discoveries of clay minerals in Martian mounds by researchers indicate that Mars once had large bodies of water billions of years ago. This finding, exhibiting a radically different climate during ...
The findings also connect these mounds to Oxia Planum, a region of great interest due to its geological similarity and proximity. The European Space Agency’s Rosalind Franklin rover, set to launch in ...