Stephen King's grim short story The Monkey becomes Oz Perkins' gonzo midnighter where death is just another punch line.
It's now the largest independent bottling company in the country, with major production sites in Worcester, Massachusetts, New York, Georgia, and Texas. Chris Crowley ...
The Monkey has a lot of laughs and a lot of kills, and that's enough to make it a winner. It's now playing in theaters ...
Live Fast won France's top literary prize in 2022. Brigitte Giraud's haunting book revisits the death of her husband in a motorcycle crash 20-odd years earlier.
Every stage is a puzzle where players have to place contraptions around the play area to essentially make a Rube Goldberg machine. It is an extremely difficult game, which is appropriate ...
Donald Trump: Brilliant dealmaker who wrung Canada dry? Or a gullible chump who got duped by old promises repackaged in fresh paint? Trying to follow the Washington reaction to the tariff-pausing ...
Let’s start with a brief readership poll, okay? How many of you are comfortable driving behind a logging truck on the freeway? How about getting Lasik eye surgery? Feel safe crossing Canadian ...
That sad chapter in our history has been corrected, and while Jackie Robinson is rightfully placed at the front of the pantheon for that achievement, there very well may have never been a Jackie ...
The dynamics of a legislative body — especially one trying to find its identity — are similar to the junior year of high school. The 11th grade is cited as critical for social emotional ...