Anzi Wang ’25 intends to find out. In her independent research project, “Studying Confirmation Bias through (Adaptation to) ...
Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru, a Rhodes Scholar, founder of Black Girl Environmentalist and advocate for environmental justice ...
Below are some vendors that our students find useful as they prepare to join us on campus GateTVs is a TIA student venture that is a Colgate-approved vendor. GateTVs is a student-run full-service ...
To learn a bit about second-language learning and instruction, visit Colgate's Center for Language and Brain. Check out the video below to learn how the center promotes the psychological and social ...
Develop a nuanced understanding of the Middle East, informed by study of its Islamic and related traditions. Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (MIST) Program students immerse themselves in the ...
The Picker Art Gallery is Colgate’s on-campus art museum. With a collection of around 11,000 objects, Picker has been a teaching, learning, and research resource for the University and local ...
Faculty in the international relations program engage students in interdisciplinary learning both in and out of the classroom, wherever that classroom may be. They are enthusiastic teachers, active in ...
Colgate boasts a healthy and sustainability-conscious dining program that provides a wide range of meal choices for students. Colgate's dining facilities are designed to provide students with ...
Colgate’s efforts to become a more equitable and inclusive community must be reframed, once and for all, as part of the ongoing work of the University. This will require identified resources in terms ...
Amy Leventer is a micropaleontologist, who specializes in paleoclimatic reconstructions of the Antarctic, and modern geologic and biologic processes in the southern ocean. Her teaching specialties ...
I am interested in one of ecology's fundamental questions: What are the patterns of biodiversity? As well as in one of today's most pressing questions: How will biodiversity respond to a changing ...
Colgate University has long been a leading liberal arts university. Now, thanks to a new classification from the Carnegie ...