When you have cancer it can change everything, including your relationships and the way people talk to you. You may feel everyone around you always wants to know how you’re doing or is starting to ...
We want to open up the conversation about dating after a cancer diagnosis. Join the conversation, hear real stories, and connect with others in our online community.
If you need cancer information or support in your language, we have a range of resources in other languages to help you. You can also ask for some of our information to be translated into your ...
Enter your postcode in the search box below to discover a range of nearby support options from local providers, including Macmillan. Our search listings are provided by Cancer Care Map. All ...
We know cancer can affect you physically, emotionally and financially. We're here to help.
Our Rapid Referral Guidelines are a NICE-endorsed summary of the guidelines for suspected cancer (NG12). They are designed to support GPs when referring patients for diagnostic tests.
At Macmillan, we research the changing needs of people living with cancer and the people who support them. We do this to help us deliver services and campaigns, and do whatever it takes to support ...
Discover the breathtaking scenery and incredible atmosphere of Mighty Hikes. Hear directly from hikers about what motivates them to take on this Mighty challenge. Whether you're hiking for yourself, a ...
Find out about the different types of cancer from A to Z, including their risk factors, symptoms, tests and treatments.
Starting at Cardiff Castle and crossing the finish line in the heart of the city at the Civic Centre, take on this iconic half marathon in the Welsh capital city this year. Run through the Welsh ...
In the UK, the NHS cancer workforce faces long-standing pressures. One barrier to solving this issue is the lack of a clear definition of the cancer workforce. Electronic Staff Record (ESR) represents ...