The IRC warns that rising violence in the West Bank is killing children, disrupting education, and blocking vital humanitarian aid.
Få de senaste nyheterna om RESCUE:s innovativa program runt om i världen och hur du kan stödja människor drabbade av konflikter och katastrofer. Skriv upp dig här!
This past year millions of people in Afghanistan and Ukraine were forced to flee their homes at a moment’s notice. Meanwhile, crises in countries like Syria, Ethiopia and Venezuela persist, resulting ...
As the first people are being transferred to Italy’s new detention centres in Albania, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) warns that this marks a “dark day for the EU’s asylum and migration ...
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) welcomes the news of the temporary suspension of operations at the Italian centres in Albania. Recent reports indicate that the Italian workers are being sent ...
We are seeing unprecedented levels of humanitarian need in the world today. Last year alone, nearly 340 million people identified as being in humanitarian need. In 2014, that number was 81 million ...
The IRC is on the ground across Europe working with governments, municipalities and local organisations to meet the immediate and critical needs of those seeking refuge, and to support the effective ...
Background: The International Rescue Committee (IRC) helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and gain control of their future. IRC teams ...
Nueva York, NY, February 10, 2022 — El Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC) responde a los recientes reportes relacionados con la violación del derecho a la protección para solicitantes de asilo ...