The IRC warns that rising violence in the West Bank is killing children, disrupting education, and blocking vital humanitarian aid.
A carefree family gathering. A joyful wedding day. A son’s graduation. For millions of Ukrainians, these moments feel like a distant memory. Three years of full-scale war have turned their lives ...
Conflict, displacement, and climate-driven droughts continue to hinder health access and control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the region ...
In Kenya’s Hagadera refugee camp, the number of women and girls reporting cases of violence nearly doubled from 198 in 2019 to 389 in 2021 Children, especially girls, are dropping out of school as the ...
The International Rescue Committee uses our learning and experience to assist people affected by crisis and shape humanitarian policy and practice. Browse our research and resources.
Thank you for your interest in the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and our work responding to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping people to survive, recover and reclaim control of ...
Do It Yourself (DIY) Fundraising is an easy way to get involved with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) local offices while supporting refugees. By organizing a DIY Fundraiser, you are helping ...
If people do not have the power to make important decisions, they will struggle to improve their lives. The International Rescue Committee helps those who are recovering from conflict and disaster ...
For decades European countries have offered a welcome to people fleeing terrible circumstances of war and persecution. Today, the IRC is not only speaking out, but also working in Greece, Italy, ...
Tre år av fullskaligt krig i Ukraina har drabbat kvinnor och flickor hårt. Konflikten har lett till en kraftig ökning av våld mot kvinnor. I Ukraina kan bland annat väpnade styrkor använda våldtäkt ...