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A man suffers a cardiac arrest and collapses at work. His colleagues frantically call for an ambulance but the closest one is 16 minutes away. In the meantime, no one in the office knows how to ...
一名男子在工作中突发心脏骤停并昏倒。他的同事急忙叫了救护车,但即使是最近的救护车,也需要16分钟才能到达。现场没人学过急救,每个人都束手无策。 在这紧要关头,120指挥中心透过企鹅急救提供远程支援。确认救护车已经上路后,调度员向呼叫者发送 ...
一名男子工作時心臟病突發並昏倒。他的同事急忙召喚救護車,但即使是最近的救護車,也需要16分鐘才能到達。現場沒有人學過急救,每個人都束手無策。 在這緊急關頭,120指揮中心透過企鵝急救提供遙距支援。確認救護車已經在路上後,中心協調人員向求助 ...
Partnership will drive EWC’s expansion in China by leveraging Tencent's E-sports networks and expertise to connect Chinese ...
A few days a month, crowds gather at cultural sites around Beijing. Every Tuesday, it’s the Chinese Braille Library. These are movie days, always well attended. And the audience is a niche group of ...