Frustrated parents have criticised a decision to redraw Inner Sydney High’s catchment after the state’s education department quietly scaled back the intake area for the popular high-rise school.
All children who live in Staffordshire will reside within a catchment area for transport policy purposes but not all will reside within a catchment for admissions purposes. If a school is an Academy, ...
And why does water quality differ in some areas? Here's what happens between a water catchment and your tap. There is no "new" water on Earth. The water we drink can be up to 4.5 billion years old ...
The Bonsa Headworks, which provides 75% of the Western Region's Tarkwa-Nsueam Municipality with drinkable water, is closing, according to a statement from Ghana Water Limited (GWL). According to ...
Please check back on this date for the updated registration form. We look forward to welcoming you to HWDSB! During the school year, students new to the area and already of school age must register at ...