为解决水产养殖中饲料成本高、植物性饲料营养吸收难题,巴基斯坦旁遮普省费萨拉巴德 GC 大学研究人员研究益生菌对印度鲮(Cirrhinus mrigala)幼鱼影响,发现 2 g/kg 益生菌添加量效果最佳。该研究为水产养殖提供新思路,值得一读。 在水产养殖的世界里 ...
为应对全球日益严重的藻类水华问题,中山大学的研究人员开展了泥鳅(Cirrhinus molitorella)染色体水平基因组的研究。他们通过PacBio和Hi-C测序技术,成功构建了高质量基因组,揭示了滤食性鱼类消化藻类的潜在机制。该研究不仅为理解泥鳅的生态适应性提供了 ...
Animal physiology is the scientific study of the life-supporting properties, functions and processes of animals or their parts. The discipline covers key homeostatic processes, such as the ...
Diseases are a significant impediment to aquaculture’s sustainable and healthy growth. The aquaculture industry is suffering significant financial losses as a result of the worsening water quality and ...