Both Islam and Judaism vigorously reject the Christian concept of ‘original sin’ because both the Qur’an and the Torah continually proclaim the concept of Allah’s ongoing blessings.
Allah reminds us in the following verses: “A day when neither wealth nor children ... was placed within us from the very beginning of the creation of mankind – we call it fitrah, which is ...
Days of Our Lives’ Doug sendoff demonstrates that the show still has what it takes after 60 years. How can it move forward now?
According to Chinese mythology, the mother goddess Nu Wa created human beings on the seventh day after the creation of the world, therefore the day is marked as the birthday of humankind.
Here you can see the Sehri timing and iftar timing in Gujranwala from the first to the last Ramadan fasting day ... s heart, for Allah having sent human beings divine guidance through the Qur’an.
27th Rajab is a highly blessed night / day called ‘laylat al-mab`ath’, which stands for the beginning of the Holy Prophet’s Mission of promulgating the true religion of Almighty Allah On ...
I&B Ministry to submit detailed note on regulation to house panel soon, flags concern on freedom of expression being misused ...