Advances in imaging, such as whole-slide scanning and algorithm-based sampling, have improved accuracy, though traditional MVD metrics do not differentiate between arterial and venous structures.
the intrahepatic vascular system undergoes significant structural changes. Major structural changes include hepatic sinus remodeling and capillarization. Hepatic sinuses are special capillary-like ...
Specifically, the D2Net includes a dual-stream encoder that separately learns image artifacts and latent vascular features. By introducing vascular structure as a prior constraint and constructing ...
Even without a history of ROP treatment, premature birth is associated with multiple changes to the macular structure and vascularity that persist into adulthood. These include a smaller, more ...
Summary: Entrepreneurs often grapple with the decision of whether to structure their business as a Company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Both offer the advantage of limited liability and ...
Cities are not merely collections of buildings and roads; they are dynamic ecosystems where human interactions, cultural values and collective aspirations converge. In this context, those in ...