Accurate monitoring of particle size and growth is essential to ensure scalability in the development of transfection vectors ...
Fulda Lake was in trouble. A once quality fishing and water recreation lake in Murray County, it had fallen victim to persistently high and turbid water. Today, the return of aquatic vegetation ...
A vicious crocodile killed a housewife washing clothes in a river - then later mauled her son to death when he tried to search for her. Alvina Doki, 64, was doing her family's laundry in the Ledewero ...
A vicious crocodile killed a housewife washing clothes in a river - then later mauled her son to death when he tried to ...
Crappie are usually associated with standing timber and brushy cover in lakes. In the spring they inhabit the shallow ends of coves, later moving to water 15 or more feet deep. Food sources: Minnows, ...
Yet, accurate retrieval of SSC in high turbid waters from OLCI is still challenging due primarily to the high uncertainty of atmospheric correction. Here, we use OLCI images to measure water quality ...
Coral reefs are threatened by climate change on a global scale with thermal stress events and mass coral bleaching being widely reported. The reefs off the east coast of Brazil (and other turbid areas ...