A family escapes the toxic pollution and social unrest of Beirut by living in a utopic mountain home. Without warning, the government begins construction of a garbage landfill that brings the trash an ...
Xi Jinping shakes hands with a family member of Zou Jiahua to express deep condolences in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 20, 2025. The remains of Zou Jiahua, a former Chinese vice premier, were crema ...
今年1月22日,有消息称宇宙最强高富帅33岁的威斯敏斯特公爵休伊(Hugh)以3.06亿英镑的价格出售了其伦敦地产的一部分股份给 挪威主权财富基金(Norges Bank)。 虽然这是威斯敏斯特家族400年来最大的一次资产出售,但相比其10亿英镑的庞大财富和占地300英亩的格罗夫纳庄园(Grosvenor Estate),这笔交易依然只是九牛一毛。